by Julie Watson
Garden Party and Family Day on Woodhouse Estate, Stradbally, Co. Waterford.
This event is being put together by a group of very generous individuals with the kind permission of Jim and Sally Thompson.

Sunday morning, July 26 had been long awaited, children urging their parents to take them for face painting and games, locals anxious to catch a glimpse of the beautiful refurbished walled gardens of Woodhouse, others eager to hear stories from the past related by Nicola Minihan Beresford whose family and father, Lord William had been the owner of Woodhouse Estate for many years, others still hoping to meet up with friends and enjoy a ramble around the garden.

The day finally arrived but not with the bright skies and sunshine, rather to a very cloudy, damp, windy morning, which gave way to a patch of blue now and then. Bright and early John Darcy and his many helpers began setting up their stalls, decorating tables and attending to last minute details. However, the damp weather did not hamper the spirit and enthusiasm of all those moving towards Woodhouse. The walk down the long avenue, trying to avoid the heavy rain drops brought a sense of excitement and anticipation as the walls of the garden came into view.

Inside the courtyard there was laughter and excitement, the air was alive with a buzz of happiness with children trying to have their faces painted, others wanting to play games between the showers and others just wanting to walk through the beautiful gardens.

Long queues waited for a chance to get that cup of hot tea and have a rest while reminiscing of times gone by. Others moved to the pavilion to view the beautiful art work of some local artists on display and to discover the many treasures on sale.

Towards the end of the evening the raffle for the many wonderful prizes donated by people from far and near took place in the midst of cheers and shouts.

Despite the weather it was an afternoon of enjoyment…. enjoyment which will now continue to bring joy to the four charities helped by the proceeds of the day – To Russia with love, Dogs for the Disabled, Stradbally Tidy Towns and Waterford Hospice.

This could not have happened without the generosity of Jim and Sally Thompson, owners of Woodhouse, John Darcy and his band of helpers, and finally all of you who came out in style to make this event a glorious success.

A big thank you to all of you for giving us the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature within the walls of Woodhouse Estate.
Pawel Lorenc - 'I do' photography
Photos by Pawel Lorenc, ‘I do’ photography Dungarvan Photographer
Article Name
Woodhouse Estate Family Day
Garden Party and Family Day on Woodhouse Estate, Stradbally, Co. Waterford. This event is being put together by a group of very generous individuals with the kind permission of Jim and Sally Thompson.
Julie Watson
'I do' photography